
The resources and content cited on this site are from:

The video resources on the VIDEO page come from ABC Education's "How Floods and Bushfires Impact Communities," and the platform uses Edpuzzle. (Feedback Mechanism:  Submit the screenshot of the answer. )

The game resources on the Interactive Game page come from FEMA's "Disaster Master," allowing students to submit their score screenshots using a Padlet board. (Feedback Mechanism:  Submit via collaborative Padlet board. )

The articles on the BLOG POST page are from the Red Cross, titled "Bushfires and Other Disasters - Lessons from the Frontline." (Feedback Mechanism:  Submit the brief reflection on Google Docs. )

The articles on the ARTICLE page are from ABC Early Childhood Education, titled Play Can Help Children Understand Disasters and Learn How They Can Make a Difference. (Feedback Mechanism:  Students submit through Google Forms. )